Apple Wallet App Design in IOS

Get hands-on experience with UICollectionView by creating your own Apple wallet design and functionality.
- Swift 5, iOS 14, Xcode 12
The iOS Apple wallet app has a stylish way of displaying cards in layouts. You can view credit cards and visa cards the same like you're having a wallet.
Create a new Single View App project.
Hotkey: shift + command + N

How to add a UICollectionView to the storyboard?
Just press: shift + command + L
Find the UICollectionView and drag it to your view
Setup the constraints to make collection size as superview.
Let’s add a reference to that collection into your module.
- Open Split mode
- Press ctrl on view and drag cursor to code
- Write reference name
- Press connect

Add Nib for UICollectionViewCell
The UICollectionViewCell should be registered with collectionView
Just add modify your code:
Above the code simple to the collection view
The collection view expand the wallet cards using Custom UICollectionViewLayout
Singleton index int value should be created commonly.

Thanks for reading….